Campus Map

Campus Map | Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical and Aerospace Eng. Laboratory for Students & Nano-Precision Machining Shop

Mechanical and Aerospace Eng. Laboratory for Students & Nano-Precision Machining Shop Map
Bus Stop
  • OfficeOffice
  • GuardroomGuardroom
  • CanteenCanteen
  • CafeCafe
  • Convenience StoreConvenience Store
  • Cooperative storeCooperative store
  • Place of refugePlace of refuge
  • SubwaySubway Station
  • Bus stop [Loople Sendai]Bus stop [Loople Sendai]
  • Bus stopBus stop
    Directions to Campus

A01 Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
機械・知能系教育実験棟・高機能試作センター 写真
Mechanical Engineering Quantum Science and Energy Engineering Materials Science and Engineering Materials Science and Engineering Centersquare Electrical, Information and Physics Engineering Applied Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biomolecular Engineering Civil Engineering and Architecture Other Research Center for Rare Metal and Green Innovation etc Mechanical Eng. Research Building 1 Mechanical Eng. Lecture Room Building Mechanical Eng. Research Building 2 Mechanical Eng. Research Laboratory J Mechanical Eng. Research Laboratory I Mechanical Eng. Laboratory Building Mechanical and Aerospace Eng. Laboratory for Students & Nano-Precision Machining Shop Mechanical Eng. Environmental Strength Research Laboratory Nano-Biomedical Eng. Research Building Micro/Nano-Machining Research and Education Center Micromachining Facility Mechanical and Aerospace Eng. Research Building Micro/Nano-Machining Research and Education Center Nanomachining Facility Nano-Biomedical Eng. Research Laboratory Automobile Museum Komorebi Café Graduate School of Environmental Studies Research Building Graduate School of Environmental Studies Lecture Room Building Graduate School of Environmental Studies Geoscience Research Laboratory Graduate School of Environmental Studies Research Laboratory Ecollab. Graduate School of Environmental Studies Research Building Annex
機械・知能系教育実験棟・高機能試作センター 写真