教員プロフィール:岡部 朋永 教授
複合材料 マルチスケールモデリング 分子シミュレーション 最適構造設計
Keiichi Shirasu, Yudai Yamaguchi, Yamato Hoshikawa, Gota Kikugawa, Hironori Tohmyoh and Tomonaga Okabe, "Micromechanics study of short carbon fiber-reinforced thermoplastics fabricated via 3D printing using design of experiments", Materials Science & Engineering A, Accepted.
Tadashi Watanabe, Yoshiaki Kawagoe, Keiichi Shirasu, and Tomonaga Okabe, "Multiscale model for failure prediction of carbon-fiber-reinforced composites under off-axis load", International Journal of Solids and Structures 283 (2023) 112489.
Yamato Hoshikawa, Keiichi Shirasu, Ryo Higuchi, Yoshiaki Kawagoe, Hironori Tohmyoh, Tomonaga Okabe, "Experimental and numerical investigation of the relationship between material defects and elastoplasticity behavior of 3D-printed carbon-fiber-reinforced thermoplastics under compressive loading", Composites Science and Technology 241 (2023) 110116.
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