教員プロフィール:陳 迎 教授
Computational materials science First-principles Thermodynamics Materials design Science
The research field of Prof. Ying Chen is the computational materials science. Research focus are theoretical study of properties of various materials (metals, alloys, high entropy alloys, magnets, unclear materials, semiconductors, etc.) and the regularities among materials structure, properties and their composition for materials design using first-principles based integrated approach.
Mechanical properties of Fe-rich Si alloy from Hamiltonian, Tetsuo Mohri, Ying Chen, Masanori Kohyama, Shigenobu Ogata, Arkapol Saengdeejing, Somesh Kumar Bhattacharya, Masato Wakeda, Shuhei Shinzato, Hajime Kimizuka, npj Computational Materials, 3(1), 2017. https://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXLRSP441797_W7A400C1000000/
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