









  1. 健康管理の徹底(毎日の検温、少しでも異常を感じる場合は自宅待機)
  2. 接触追跡の記録のためCOCOAのインストール
  3. 友人同士で集まっての飲食会の自粛
  4. アルバイト先での3密環境および活動の回避
  5. 積極的なマスクの着用と、手洗い・うがいの励行
  6. 3密環境となる会合や歓談・イベント等への参加自粛



To all students in the School of Engineering

Alert for off-campus activities in response to the declaration of a state of emergency in the Tokyo metropolitan area

We have been working on the measures for COVID-19 since last year, and we are still requesting students and faculty members to take careful measures to prevent the spread of infection. Currently, the epidemic of CODIV-19 infectious, which seems to be the third wave, is getting more serious nationwide. Especially in the four prefectures of the Tokyo metropolitan area, a state of emergency has been issued, and the strong self-restraint of activities is required. In fact, the number of infected students and faculty members and suspected cases of close contact is on the increase in the Aobayama area. We traced the movement history of the infected students and found out that some of them had been to several meetings with eating and drinking at the Tokyo metropolitan area, Sendai, and other places where they went on vacation or returned parent's home. I understand that New Year's vacations may have relaxed your mind, that you have been planning the meeting with friends for quite some time, and that you needed to exchange information with your acquaintances, etc. However, the government has declared a state of emergency and the COVID-19 alert level has already been raised. Please take the following measures more thoroughly than ever before until the end of the third wave,
  • Continue to take care of your health and keep a record of the people you meet.
  • Make sure to take measures against infection such as wearing a mask and disinfecting hands at all times.
  • Refrain from participating in meetings with eating and drinking.
  • If you feel any abnormalities such as poor physical condition, promptly use the School of Engineering mailing list, etc. and contact relevant people, and in addition be aware of your social responsibility as a student of Tohoku University and take appropriate measures
I would like you to consider once again that if you are infected, it will affect your friends, family, people around you, and your own health and future activities.
I would like to ask for your cooperation so that we can return to a normal and secure university life as soon as possible.

東北大学 工学研究科長・工学部長

工学部長・工学研究科長 長坂 徹也
Dean, the School of Engineering
Prof. Nagasaka Tetsuya
