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Rising into space -- micro-satellites and micro-rovers change the game | Kazuya Yoshida | TEDxTohoku
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Thank you for your requests for the English subtitles. We are currently working on the English subtitles; however, they will take some time to publish as they require approval from TED as well. In the meantime, we will create a summary of the talk in English to be shared with you shortly. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your kind patience.From Tohoku to The Moon : Team Hakuto's Odyssey | 東北から月へ:チームハクト
Did you know that there are people in Tohoku who are aiming for the moon?Team Hakuto, one of the 18 teams competing for "Google Lunar XPrize", are maintaining their research under the guidance of Professor Yoshida, who also helped with the Japanese "Hayabusa" mission.
To win the grand prize of $20 million, private teams (with no more than 10% in government funding) must Land a robot safely on the Moon, move 500 meters and send back HD images of their exploration, and all this has to be accomplished by the end of 2016.
They are one of the top 5 finalists for the milestone prize, that the winners will be announced on January 26th.
We went to their laboratory to cover this stage of their space odyssey.
[ARLISS] : Tohoku Univ. Team in ARLISS comeback competition 2008
Every year, ARLISS comeback competition is organized in Black Rock desert in Nevada, U.S.A. The mission of the competition is to return a payload (that is launched to 4,000 m above by a small rocket) to the designated goal autonomously. Our approach is runback that uses a wheeled type small mobile robot as a payload. In 2008, we developed an slight-expandable wheels that were made by sponge material. It increases diameters of the wheels, and also, it absurbs impact force of landing. Using these wheels, we won the 1st prize of the competition. The videoclip shows a digest of our robot's motion. (2008-09)【となりの工学】
東北大学工学研究科・工学部 電子工学専攻 金子俊郎教授にお話を伺います。
東北大学工学研究科・工学部 ロボティクス専攻 平田 泰久 教授にお話を伺います。
東北大学工学研究科・工学部 土木工学専攻 久田 真 教授にお話を伺います。
東北大学工学研究科・工学部 知能デバイス材料学専攻 好田 誠 教授にお話を伺います。
東北大学 未来科学技術共同研究センター 猪股 宏 特任教授にお話を伺います。